/ Documentation /ZipWP Basics/ All About Blueprints: Share Your WordPress Sites With Others!

All About Blueprints: Share Your WordPress Sites With Others!

ZipWP offers a very cool feature that allows you to share copies of your websites with as many people as you would like with a URL. When people click on your link, they get a WordPress site with the design and configuration of the site you created, which they can customize further.

This feature is called Blueprints.

In this article, you will learn everything about Blueprints, including this feature and how to use it to share your copies.

Please note that this feature is available exclusively on the Pro and Business plans of ZipWP. If you’re on the free plan, you can upgrade to create Blueprints sites.

Why Would You Want To Share Your Site With Others?

Imagine you’re a YouTuber teaching people how to build various WordPress sites. In one of your videos, you use ZipWP to create and showcase a marketing website.

Now, you want to share this same website design with your followers so they can get the same WordPress site without designing from scratch.

This provides convenience for them and helps build your following.

So, you can use the Blueprints feature to get a URL that you can add to your YouTube video description so people can use this link to get a copy of your website in a different WordPress installation and customize it further.

This is one of the many reasons. 

You may want to share your website copies with your colleagues, as a part of your course offerings if you’re a course creator, or you can sell copies of your websites.

Types of Blueprints You Can Create

With ZipWP, you can customize blueprints with different settings to fit your needs. Let’s explore the blueprint types in more detail.


These blueprints are for your personal use only. You can save websites you create as blueprints within your account. In the future, if you need to create a copy of the same site, you can easily do so from the blueprint.


These blueprints are publicly shareable. If you want others to access a copy of your website, choose the public blueprint option. You will get a shareable link that you can distribute amongst other and they will get a copy of your website.

Product Demo

With product demos, you can define additional settings like site expiration time. You clarify whether people using your blueprint can make changes to the website or nor.

Note that every website copy will count towards your ZipWP account’s usage limit and will remain there until it expires.

How To Generate Blueprint Link for Your Website?

If you want to share your website with others, you can generate a Blueprint link to share with them.

To generate the Blueprint link, follow these steps:

  • Click on the three-dot menu of the website that you want to share.
  • Click on the “Create Blueprint” option.
  • Provide a name and description for this Blueprint link. This name and description will be visible to people who view your website.
  • Select a blueprint type (Private, Public, or Product Demo) and click Create.
  • ZipWP will provide you with a link that you can share anywhere you wish.

You can open this link in your browser to preview how the name and description will appear.

When people click on this link, they will receive a fresh WordPress installation with your design.

If the person clicking your Blueprint link has a ZipWP account, they can connect the site to their account. If they’re on a free plan, they will have access to the site for 24 hours, while paid plans offer longer expiration times.

If they do not have a ZipWP account, they will have access to the site for the next 30 minutes. However, they can sign up for ZipWP for free and save the site for the next 24 hours.

Note: If you create a Blueprint of a temporary site, it will be automatically marked as permanent, as ZipWP requires your site to remain available in your account until your Blueprint link is present.

How To Track Your Blueprints Link Clicks

ZipWP also helps you track the number of times your Blueprint was copied. You can use these analytics to determine which of your Blueprints are used most.

You can find the analytics in your ZipWP account, in the Blueprints section.

How To Update Your Blueprint Sites

When you create a Blueprint for a site using ZipWP, ZipWP generates a backup of your site containing all your changes up to that point. Then, whenever someone uses your Blueprint link to create a new copy, ZipWP uses the saved backup to create their version of the site.

For example, while creating the blueprint, if you had 4 pages on the site, your Blueprint link will provide the site with 4 pages.

Now, if you add a 5th page to your website and want people to access the new version, you can update the Blueprint using the Regenerate option.

To update your blueprint, simply click on the Regenerate icon of the blueprint.

After clicking the regenerate button, try creating a new site using the Blueprint link. You’ll notice this new site includes all the latest changes.

You can Regenerate your Blueprints as many as times needed.

How To Disable Your Blueprint Links

If you wish to disable your Blueprint links for any reason so that people can no longer use them to create sites, you can simply disable them using the toggle switch.

Once the Blueprint is disabled, people will not be able to create websites from it.

You can enable the link anytime you need by turning on the toggle button.

How To Delete Your Blueprint Links

When you do not require a Blueprint anymore, you can delete it by clicking on the delete icon.

Once the site is deleted, people will no longer be able to use it.

You will also have the option to delete or remove the site permanently from your ZipWP account once its Blueprint is deleted.

So that’s all about Blueprints in ZipWP.

We hope this article helps you understand how you can share blueprints of your WordPress sites. We’ve tried to include as much information as possible, but if you still have questions, feel free to drop us a message.

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