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Using URL Parameters to Instantly Launch a ZipWP Blueprint
The URL parameter feature in ZipWP simplifies the process of launching Blueprint websites by allowing you to pass user details directly in the URL. This feature eliminates the need for users to re-enter their information, making the workflow more efficient and seamless.
For example, let’s say you’ve created a form that collects a user’s name and email. Instead of asking the user to re-enter their details when launching a website, you can pass that information via URL parameters to instantly create and launch a site based on your Blueprint.
Launching Blueprints site without parameters:
Launching Blueprints site via URL parameters:
In this article, we’ll help you understand how you can use this feature!
How Does It Benefit You?
This feature is useful for anyone using ZipWP Blueprints.
By passing details such as name and email directly via the URL, users can launch a website instantly, without needing to go through multiple steps.
This makes the user experience smoother and saves valuable time for both website creators and their clients.
Not only does this feature improve efficiency, but it also enhances user satisfaction, as it reduces redundant form fills. Whether you’re a WordPress product author or a user of ZipWP Blueprints, this functionality will simplify your process.
How to Use the URL Parameter Feature
Once your Blueprint is ready, you can use the following parameters to pass form data directly in the URL:
- – ?launch=true – This triggers the automatic launch of the website.
- – &name={{name}} – This passes the user’s first name from the form.
- – &email={{email}} – This passes the user’s email address.
For example, your Blueprint share URL may look like this:
https://zipwp.com/blueprint?launch=true&name=John&[email protected]
By using these parameters, the website will be instantly launched with the user’s details.
The URL parameter feature for ZipWP Blueprints saves time and effort for both you and your users.
By allowing form data to be passed directly in the Blueprint URL, this feature ensures a smooth and efficient process for launching websites. Whether you’re running a business, managing client projects, or just looking to streamline website creation, this update makes the entire experience easier.
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