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- Permanent vs Temporary Site
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- Create Sites Using Search Bar
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- How to access Experimental Features?
How to Mark a Website as Permanent or Temporary
All websites for paid users are created as permanent by default. This means that, unless specified otherwise, your websites will not expire, providing continuous access.
But, if you ever want a website for a short time, you can set it to temporary as well.
With the temporary option, you can set your website to expire after some time. This can be useful in scenarios where you anticipate a short-term need for the website.
For example, if you’re creating a temporary website for an event or promotion that will only be relevant for a specific time frame, marking the website as temporary ensures it will be automatically deleted after the designated period.
How To Mark a Website as Temporary?
To mark a website as temporary, click the Star icon under the Actions column in the list of your websites.
Marking the Website as Permanent
If you want your website to be permanent again, just click on the Star icon once more.
This will mark the website as permanent again. Now it won’t expire unless you remove the permanent status or delete it.
Please note that the permanent site option is only available on Pro and Business plan of ZipWP.
That concludes the information about permanent sites. We hope this article has been helpful. If you still have questions, please let us know.
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