Earn With Us!
As a hosting company offering ZipWP AI WordPress onboarding to build your clients’ sites, you can earn commissions when they upgrade to the pro versions of the theme and page builder used to create their websites.
In this article, we’ll share all the information related to this revenue sharing program.
Products You Can Refer
ZipWP AI WordPress onboarding uses the Astra theme and Spectra page builder to construct websites for your customers.
The AI builder utilizes free versions of Spectra and Astra. However, if clients desire further customization options, like adding a sticky header with Astra or animations on their pages with Spectra, they can upgrade to the premium plans of these tools.
Learn about the benefits of Astra Pro and Spectra Pro so you can share them with your customers if you wish.
Now, when your customers choose to upgrade to the premium plans of these products, you can earn a commission for every upgrade that comes through your hosting service!
Here are the products you can refer to:
What is the Commission Rate?
You’ll earn a 25% revenue share if your customers upgrade to the premium versions of these products.
How to Get Started
It’s simple! Just follow these steps:
- Register as a Spectra and Astra affiliate.
- Register as a ZipWP affiliate.
- Once your affiliate request is approved, obtain your affiliate IDs from your affiliate area.
This is where you’ll find the affiliate IDs for Astra and Spectra.
And here you will find the affiliate ID for Zip AI.
- Add these affiliate IDs to your hosting dashboard by simply visiting this URL: https://app.zipwp.com/host/affiliate. While you might not see this screen for adding affiliate IDs directly, but accessing this URL will take you to the appropriate section within your hosting dashboard where you can enter them.
Once complete, save the changes. That’s it! We’ll track all Astra and Spectra Pro purchases coming from your customers.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us!
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